Chimney Repair

Chimney Repair

Bellingham WA

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Fireplace Refurbishing & Repair Bellingham


Many things can happen that lead to a chimney and fireplace needing repairs and refurbishing. Natural wear-and-tear such as reoccurring weather patterns, harsh habitat temperaments, and any other outside damager can be the reason for a chimney needing some help.

Problems can arise from a sudden puncture to a chimney, an emergency accident such as a tree falling down, or a less likely bolt of lightning/power surge. Animals and other pests can cause damage and not keeping well on the cleanliness can lead to issues in the chimneys well being, as well. No matter what's the original cause, accidents happen. 

Our team of experts will not only help you keep your chimney maintained to prevent potential damage that can be avoided, but we will also fully repair what's been lost or broken!

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The life of a chimney consists of repeated endurance of the weather changes of our planet -including heating and then cooling through the seasons. These patterns bring upon regular wear and tear expected of all chimneys, eventually, over time. Did you know? That in places where winters have very low temperatures, like here in the PNW, the outside of a brick chimney will become frozen with moisture and then thaw out, causing the bricks to actually expand and contract going through the process. This causes integrital damage to our brick chimneys over the course of happening a few times too many. It is expected, however, to have to maintain all places of our home and businesses. Chimneys are no exception, that's why chimney maintenance is so important! Chimney maintenance is repairing the damaged bricks as they occur, to ensure our chimneys are keeping to the highest standard of safety and structural integrity.

How much does a chimney repair typically cost?

Chimney repairs in the state of WA usually cost around $150-$700 depending on the type of repair. A typical issue of cracking will be a smaller charge while the bigger the repair, the higher the cost. A full replacement can generally be anywhere from $1000-$3000. Our team of experts will research the issue and assess the situation to perfectly diagnose the plan for repair and the correct way to fix it. We will give you our prognosis, and we will discuss plans of action along with the budget, to ensure you know exactly what's happening the entire time. No project will begin without your full approval of the pricing at hand. The professionals at STAR Chimney Cleaners go above and beyond to take care of you!

Is it essential to repair my chimney?

Yes, we recommend repairing your chimney properly right away when the problem is first noticeable. It is essential in keeping your fireplace optimally functioning and safe in your home or business area. Keeping loved ones and visitors safe is everyone's first priority, as is maintaining structural integrity in our real estate investments. Having a safe and well functioning fireplace and chimney serves as a sound way to ensure your highest property value for your residential and commercial enterprises.

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